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A Few Words About Me

My name is Luis Eduardo Vargas Victoria I was born in November 16th in 1996. I have two sisters, my parents still married,  I have a dog is a boxer named Tiza, I studied in Colegio Once México and in Subiré Business School does to are the recent ones, I have been in 6 schools counting College I'm studying the career of Computer System Engineer in Monterrey Institute of Technology Campus Guadalajara, I like a lot of things to do, one of all, of course, it's studying, I like some other things like watch movies and TV shows, I like video games and spent a lot of time at internet, there I watch the stuff I just wrote. I like to travel, actually my favorite place to travel it's Ixtapa and I lived there for 4 years, also I travelled to Disney and Universal that trip was incredible, I also went to Sea World and some Museums of California. I like american football, I played that sport for 3 years. Now I'm playing futbol like when I was a kid. I studied graphic and web design, I also studied to be an App developer. When I finish my career I'll start working in my own great company of technology.

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